Monday, June 16, 2008

Yard Sale

We're leaving and so, my friends Anne and Andrea have been shopping in my apartment. Literally. Due to the fact that the appliances here are 220 voltage and alcohol can't be sent into the US without being subject to a massive duty tax, it all had to go. The food processor, the coffee machine, the humidifiers, blow dryers, rice cooker, toaster oven, vacuum cleaners, wine, lamps, Bombay Gin Sapphire, tonic, Gone. What was left, my beautiful Simple Human Butterfly trash can. Last time I checked, the trash can wasn't voltage specific. Anne felt otherwise. Apparently, this trash can is destined to stay in China.

There is something very wrong about selling a used garbage can but, from the way that people envied it, it was as if it was gold plated. So, to make our friend happy, we decided to give in and sell it. All I have to say is, I better find the same one when we return to the US, or I'm coming back to China to get this one!