The school year is almost over. Matthew has been busy participating in all the activities and today, he performed with the fifth grade band at the last school assembly of the year. It was great to see the entire elementary school together at this final gathering. Tony had just returned from the US this morning (at 5:00AM) and he was able to attend. Usually, he doesn't get the opportunity to go to a lot of the school events because of business obligations. It was nice to be able to see this together with him.

After listening to countless hours of practice of the saxophone this past year, it was actually quite nice to hear Matthew and his band mates perform. They performed "Rock Around the Clock", "La Bamba" and "Great Balls of Fire". Matthew and his friend Alston (who also transferred from SAS Pudong) were great together. It was nice to see the two of them perform in sync.

At the end of the performance, the kids were busy packing things up and getting ready to hand in their instruments. We were fortunate to find Ms. Andrews- Matthew's music teacher. She will be leaving SAS Puxi to move to Africa to teach music at an international school there. This only drives home the fact that Shanghai is a very transient town. Who knows, we may wind up seeing Ms. Andrew's in another part of the world one of these days if we get another assignment overseas!