We said our farewells to Mr. Miao at the airport and were on our way to Hong Kong. We've been following the weather because of the typhoon that wreaked havoc in the Philippines has worked its way to Hong Kong. We suspected that we would have a delay and we did. We arrived into Hong Kong and were greeted with gale force winds and sheeting rain. The typhoon was classified as a grade 8. That meant the winds were about 90 miles per hour and the gusts of wind can exceed 100 miles per hour. Considering the conditions that we traveled in, I was surprised that there weren't any other delays in the airport. Soaked through, we picked up our luggage and proceeded to the hotel and pretty much stayed indoors for the night. Susan had a reunion with her friend Mary and they were catching up in the hotel lobby for about three hours. At least they were in a safe place and dry.

When I arrived into Shanghai two years ago, I flew into a typhoon. I guess it's only fitting that we ended our Shanghai adventure the same way, flying into a typhoon, Typhoon Fengshen to be exact. Fengshen means Wind God. The same one that capsized the ferry in the Philippines that killed many people. Actually, it was a miracle that we flew out at all. Many of the Chinese airlines cancelled their flights, why am I not surprised. Luckily for us, we took a Hong Kong airline. By the time we left Shanghai the typhoon was downgraded to a grade 3. The flight was pretty uneventful except for the landing which was a bit bumpy.
According to the newspaper this morning, 17 people were injured as Fengshen swept across the city with gusts of up to 90 miles per hour dumping heavy rain, ripped up trees and brought businesses to a standstill. There were 38 reports of flooded streets, 41 ripped trees, 25 flights were cancelled and 5 scaffolds collapsed in Hong Kong. We were pretty lucky that we made it without any problems. Now, we're just hanging out and waiting for the rain to die down before we head out anywhere.