The weather in Hong Kong has been very wet and windy. Matthew was bouncing off the walls in the hotel room so I decided to take him out for walk in the mall next door. Armed with a camera, he starts to take notice of the displays at Watsons. I notice he's studying the wall and is busy taking pictures of the display but I can't figure out what he's looking at.

As we're walking through the mall, he questions me about the use of the Pink Bunny in Asia. You see, Duracell has the trademark registration for the Pink Bunny in Asia. In the US, Energizer got the trademark on that one because of a technical glitch. He decided to embark on taking pictures of what the competitor of Duracell is currently offering. We return to the hotel and he immediately starts to tell his father about all the different giveaways that Energizer is engaged in versus what Duracell gives away with the purchase of batteries. He gave his father some ideas on what the next campaign should include. Let's see if Duracell will incorporate some of his ideas. Who knows, he may be the next Malgioglio employed by Duracell.