The movers arrived this morning in the pouring rain to start the packing process. Hot, muggy and very damp. All I have to say, it is absolutely unbelievable how much stuff you can actually accumulate in a two year period. The workers arrived and spread out like locusts and were busy in every room of the house. They were like little drones. They packed
everything up. If it wasn't nailed down, it went into the box. If it was nailed down, they went to find the tool to pry it out and then stick it into the box. I left specific instructions on what not to touch. They went and touched it. Thank goodness I was able to stop them from packing up my documents. I wasn't so lucky in the kitchen. I went to look for a frying pan to make chicken tonight and every single pot I own has been packed up for sea shipment. That means, I won't see my kitchen for about 3 months. That's going to cause a major problem when I get back. In the meantime, I had to go over to Anne's house to borrow some pans to tie us over. Ridiculous.
I was counting up the boxes packed already and made a comment about how much junk we have. Kevin, the supervisor in charge, was quite diplomatic with his response "You are a family of three. That is quite normal to have the amount of things you have." OK- that was quite nice but the truth is, we're going to have to send half this stuff to Goodwill and do a massive yard sale when we return to the States.
So, we have another two days worth of packing to do and then we're on a plane out of here and will be heading back. Just think, I get to do this all over again in about three weeks when our storage items come out. So, I'm going to start recruiting volunteers who like to unwrap and put things into a pile. Anyone interested, just find the driveway with the moving truck and boxes tossed to the side. If we can get our barbeque up and running, I can promise you a wonderful meal with no utensils!