Two days of heavy rains and winds. We were getting cabin fever since there wasn't a whole heck of a lot to do. We took the underground tunnel through the subway system and found a place to have lunch. Afterwards, we decided to go over to the Hong Kong Science Museum since there was a way to get there underground with minimal exposure to the rain. We arrived and Tony and Matthew were busy with all the exhibits. One of their favorites, the invisibility mirror. They were laughing very hard each and every time they entered the exhibit. The invisibility mirror makes it look like half your body has disappeared. We managed to kill about four hours at the museum and Matthew was a happy little bugger.

We came out of the museum and saw the sun. YEAH! It's actually breezy and not too humid. Our hotel is within walking distance from the museum so we decided to take advantage of it. A great walk back and we took advantage of the sun and took some pictures outdoors. The weather has taken a turn and it looks like we'll have good weather for the rest of our stay here. I see the weather in Stamford is pouring. Hopefully it will be over by the time we arrive.