I had to stop at the market today to pick up groceries before Barbara (aka Mrs. B) arrives in Shanghai to visit us for a few days. It was absolutely unbelievable. The frenzy of people with shopping carts not to mention the sea of people at the meat counter. I honestly thought there was a giveaway somewhere and I was missing it. China's problem is the massive population. People push, people jump the line and most of all, there are people everywhere. You try to turn the car around the corner and there is always a sea of people crossing the street. This explains why people are driving or riding their bikes and motor scooters on the sidewalks and pedestrian right of way is not adhered to at all. Cross at your own risk and pray that you'll make it across the street.
So, I made it out of the grocery store intact. Had to stop a man from jumping the line in front of me. Perhaps it was my aggressive New York stare that convinced him?