Gee, pretty- that's relative. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What one person sees as pretty may not be the same for another. I know I can work as a waitress. I did it for a bit and I do speak a lot of English. Hey, I even speak two dialects of Chinese and am currently learning a third. Wouldn't that make me qualified for the position? I certainly think so. I wanted to call Vincent and apply for the job over the phone and then see what would happen when I showed up with my resume in hand. You see, I am way over qualified but, I wanted to actually see if someone would have the audacity to tell me that I cannot be hired because..... I don't fit the "physical" criteria.
Many times, when I'm out with my friends Anne and Andrea, I would see handwritten Chinese signs on restaurant windows seeking waitresses. The criteria for the position is you have to be between the ages of 18-22, no more than 48 kg (about 105 pounds) and 1.6 meters in height. Makes me want to walk right in and apply for the job and see what they'll say. For one, I can speak, I can be a good hostess and I am very hands on. I may not be classified as pretty eye candy for the clientele but, I can certainly handle myself. I know I would be over qualified for the position but, I want to dare the skinny local restaurant owner to come right out and call me old and fat or even ugly for that matter. Then again, this is China.
So, if you read about a brawl that breaks out at a restaurant and a woman had to be carried out screaming for equality, it's a pretty good bet that it would be me.