June (formerly known as Junior) is doing quite well with her newborns. We have managed to get a glimpse and count that there are seven pups in the litter. Over the past week, we have watched the transformation of the babies. The fur has come in, you can see the facial features and most of all, the tremendous growth spurt that has happened since Valentine's Day.

We watched June carry each of the pups from the top level down to the lower level of the cage. She sat in the box with her babies underneath to keep them warm. That was until, the pups were getting too big and the box way too small. So, they're all back upstairs again in the spacious ball that they call home. In the meantime, we have put the word out that there are baby hamsters and have found homes for four of the seven. Meanwhile, Speedy is still in his bachelor pad (unlike the posh duplex quarters that he once shared with June) and is pretty upset with me. It's apparent when I go to check on him that he's got a bulls eye target with my name on it. C'est La Vie. I can't seem to please everyone.