We left for Disney on Tuesday morning. Sandi and I drove up with Nicholas and Matthew in the car. That's a story in itself. Two kids, one aged 5 and one aged 10, you kind of get an idea what the road trip entailed. Nicholas wants to follow Matthew all over the place and mimic what he does. Matthew loves his little cousin but, being an only child, he can't take him on a constant basis. I told him that's what little siblings do...they follow you around like a little shadow. That will give you an idea of what Sandi and I had to deal with the whole trip.
Arrival at Disney. We drop off our luggage at the hotel. The room wasn't ready so we decided to head over to Animal Kingdom. Matthew was very excited about going to see the new exhibit Expedition Everest. I didn't have the dramamine on me that I needed in order to survive the ride so we went to the First Aid office to get some. Thank goodness for that. We waited an hour and I was able to get on the ride and not leave any embarassing trails. Matthew was very proud of me and we had a great time on the ride. We took the kids to dinner and called it a night.
WednesdayWe went to the Magic Kingdom first and hopped the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger ride.... twice. We took in the Monster Laugh Floor show and even went on Space Mountain. I can't begin to tell you how much the Space Mountain ride didn't agree with me but, for the sake of Matthew, I had to suck it up and go on it. Sandi commented that "I would never go on those rides or take dramamine for anyone." Let's just hope that Matthew appreciates what I've done for him.

We went to Epcot after lunch. Matthew and Nicholas were busy at the Living Seas exhibition and had a great time together. It was very cute to watch Matthew holding Nicholas' hand, picking him up and watching after him. We spent a couple of hours exploring the park and had an early dinner. Sandi took off to take Nicholas back to the hotel and Matthew and I stood in line for two hours (yes, I am serious) to get on the new Soaring ride. I wasn't wild about it but, I can at least say that I survived the newest rides at Disney. We returned to the hotel and were greeted by Nicholas' happy smiling face. He offered to give me a massage and of course, Matthew felt he should be massaging me instead. In the end, I had two children fighting for my attention. It was nice to have two kids fighting over me...I wonder if they'll still feel the same for me five years from now.
ThursdaySandi and Nicholas headed over to Sea World while Matthew and I went over to MGM Studios. Matthew has never been on the Tower of Terror and Rockin' Roller Coaster. This year, he finally met the height requirement and he was THRILLED. Normally, I would send Tony on those rides with Matthew. However, Tony being in Shanghai wasn't going to help me. I took the dramamine and hopped on the rides with Matthew....back to back. Yes- I survived it and even was able to speak to Tony on the cell phone in China. I went so far as to go on the Star Tours ride with Matthew which....was another stomach turning ride. I must say I am a big fan of dramamine. I need to buy stock in that company and keep it going.

We piled the kids in the car and headed back to Boca Raton. The kids fell asleep in the back seat (no fighting...just snoring) and we enjoyed a very peaceful ride. We made a pit stop at Delray Beach where we met Jeff for dinner at Lemongrass to celebrate my birthday. It was the perfect ending to a week in Florida.
We'll be leaving to head back to New York first thing Saturday morning....more people to see and lots of things to finish up before we pack up our excessive amount of luggage to head back to Shanghai where Tony is anxiously waiting our return.