Today was the last day of Kumon for Matthew and Jocelyn. Oh, don't worry. I wouldn't dream of continuing our stay in the US without ample work to keep him busy. In fact, May did the same thing. Even though she's leaving to take the kids on vacation, she asked for four weeks worth of work for Jocelyn as well. Can't you just hear the groans from the kids? It was really great that Jocelyn and Matthew got to do the program together these past six weeks. It has made a difference for Matthew. Instead of just complaining to me, he had someone to kvetch with.
We finished our class at Kumon and Matthew will continue the program in Shanghai when we return. Afterwards, we said our good-byes to May and Jocelyn and we started our return drive back to New York complete with a loaded car full of luggage. Matthew had an invitation to attend Timmy's birthday party in Long Island. Timmy is one of the kids that we became friends with when Matthew attended the Chinese school in Long Island.

We had another reunion with the parents from the school and even saw two other families that we haven't seen in over four years. Liza had just returned from Qingdao for the summer with the kids and Matthew was hanging out with Brian. We had just seen Liza and the kids in Qingdao in March and it was really nice to see her again. As usual, Matthew jumped into the pool and was swimming like a fish. Of course, no reunion is complete without the mother's planning a "mom's night out" which will happen next weekend when I return from Disney with Matthew.
It's sad when I think about the time that has flown by with our friends and family. We still have several people that we haven't had a chance to see yet and will need to find a way to see them before we leave in August.