Movies, something that we don't indulge in living in Shanghai. There's no need to pay $10 US dollar for an entrance ticket for each of us and then add the concession stand, which makes for about a $45 US dollar trip to the movies. I am ashamed to say, but, you can get the new movies on DVD for under 2 US Dollars. Illegal yes- but nevertheless, everyone in China participates in this practice. So, since we've been back, we've been going to see all the new releases. We go to the local googleplex with the stadium seating and just sit back and watch the show on the big screen with the surround sound. Nice.
Today, we roped Gus into going to see "Transformers" with Matthew and I. We had lunch at Johnny Rocket's and then headed to the movie. It was great. Matthew had a great time and I must admit, the movie was pretty good. Definitely a boy movie and it was great that Gus came with us to share the experience.
So, we have another two weeks before we leave and we're going to see Harry Potter and of course, Matthew wants to see the Simpsons movie (silly if you ask me) but, I guess we'll have to get it all in before we return to Shanghai.