Though this was a happy day to celebrate, it was a sad day as well since it marks the final reunion of the guys. Tallini couldn't be there because of a previous famiy commitment. So, Tony has plans to visit Hong Kong/Shanghai in November and Gus plans to tag along. We're planning a reunion in Italy for next summer. We think it would be great to go see Italy next summer and the guys will meet us there and May will be there with the kids as well. Italy will never be the same once we leave!
Tony's leaving tomorrow and we're going to have to head to the airport early for security check. He's not happy that he's leaving to return to an empty home. He asked that Matthew and I return home earlier than scheduled. Matthew and I will be leaving a month later and we realize our time here is running short. We still have so much to do and many people to see. We have a trip to Disney scheduled and Matthew's really looking forward to that. He's already telling me what rides he's going to go on. Unfortunately for me, that means I'll have to take the dramamine in double doses since there's no one else to ride with him. Unless of course, someone volunteers to join us. Anyone interested?