This week marks the marathon farewell meals that Matthew and I will be attending. After we leave, Matthew and I will have to stop eating completely in order to lose the weight we've gained from all the eating we've done these past two months. Then again, you can't get this stuff in Shanghai. I'm sure that we'll be able to lose the weight quickly once we return.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Farewell Meals Part II
This week marks the marathon farewell meals that Matthew and I will be attending. After we leave, Matthew and I will have to stop eating completely in order to lose the weight we've gained from all the eating we've done these past two months. Then again, you can't get this stuff in Shanghai. I'm sure that we'll be able to lose the weight quickly once we return.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Ladies Night Out
Afterwards, we headed to Starbucks and hung out and chatted. Lots of laughter, lots of noise coming from the table in the corner. It's sad to say, I'm really going to miss my friends. It was nice to have a ladies night out without children. Don't get me wrong, I love Matthew...I just need sometime to myself sometimes.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Our final week in the States is quickly drawing to a close. We still a lot of things to do and many people to see before we leave. Hopefully, it will all get done before the week ends. Zio and Arlene will be coming down from Woodstock tomorrow morning to see us before we leave. I have a ton of errands to do before I leave and I'm starting to think I can't get it done.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
We Survived Disney with Two Kids
We went to the Magic Kingdom first and hopped the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger ride.... twice. We took in the Monster Laugh Floor show and even went on Space Mountain. I can't begin to tell you how much the Space Mountain ride didn't agree with me but, for the sake of Matthew, I had to suck it up and go on it. Sandi commented that "I would never go on those rides or take dramamine for anyone." Let's just hope that Matthew appreciates what I've done for him.
Sandi and Nicholas headed over to Sea World while Matthew and I went over to MGM Studios. Matthew has never been on the Tower of Terror and Rockin' Roller Coaster. This year, he finally met the height requirement and he was THRILLED. Normally, I would send Tony on those rides with Matthew. However, Tony being in Shanghai wasn't going to help me. I took the dramamine and hopped on the rides with Matthew....back to back. Yes- I survived it and even was able to speak to Tony on the cell phone in China. I went so far as to go on the Star Tours ride with Matthew which....was another stomach turning ride. I must say I am a big fan of dramamine. I need to buy stock in that company and keep it going.
We'll be leaving to head back to New York first thing Saturday morning....more people to see and lots of things to finish up before we pack up our excessive amount of luggage to head back to Shanghai where Tony is anxiously waiting our return.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Sandi, Jeff and Nicholas
Matthew and I arrived in Florida this morning and were greeted by Nicholas and Jeff at the airport. He was chatting from the time we saw him at the airport until we arrived home. That was quite a ride. We settled in and Sandi and I decided to run some errands and pick up some things for our trip to Disney. It was during our trip out when my sister called me an "immigrant". Yes, you read that right. She called me an immigrant. Let me draw out the scene for you. We were in Target picking up snacks for the car ride to Disney. I was staring at all the snacks and was amazed at the choices. She starts to laugh and said "You're like an immigrant. You can spend hours here because you're overwhelmed by the choices available." True. In China, there aren't that many choices for the American taste. I can find the occassional Doritos, Cheetos but it's pretty limited. The Chinese snacks consist of a lot of seaweed and other funky flavored items. Not quite designed for the American palate.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
No More Pencils, No More Books
We finished our class at Kumon and Matthew will continue the program in Shanghai when we return. Afterwards, we said our good-byes to May and Jocelyn and we started our return drive back to New York complete with a loaded car full of luggage. Matthew had an invitation to attend Timmy's birthday party in Long Island. Timmy is one of the kids that we became friends with when Matthew attended the Chinese school in Long Island.
It's sad when I think about the time that has flown by with our friends and family. We still have several people that we haven't had a chance to see yet and will need to find a way to see them before we leave in August.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Farewell Dinner's
We're leaving VERY EARLY tomorrow morning (like 4:30 AM) and Matthew is thrilled. Wait, let me clarify. He's not thrilled that we're leaving at 4:30 AM, he's thrilled that we're going to Florida. We're going to see Sandi and Nicholas and go on all the spinning rides. Last night over dinner, Matthew was having a very animated conversation with Steve about the rides that spin. Steve is a big kid and Matthew asked that we bring him along. I have an idea, why don't I just send Steve down with Matthew and I won't have to consume dramamine right?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Rugged Rangers
They've spent the past two weeks learning survival skills for the great outdoors such as how to tell which berries are safe to eat, how to make meatballs and how to brew pine needle tea (doesn't sound that appealing). They've learned how to square dance, pitch a tent and climb rock walls. They have learned the necessary survival skills for the great outdoors.
Let's just say- Matthew had different expectations from the program. For one, he was not happy with the culinary choices offered at the camp. I must admit that Matthew is a bit of a foodie and knows good food. Obviously the camp lunches were not up to his expectations. Then again, during the school year, I would send him to school with risotto, pasta with homemeade marinara sauce and other culinary delights. Often his friends would be eyeing his lunch bag and try to make off with the homemade cookies. So naturally, he expected me to pack a homemade lunch to camp on a daily basis. I couldn't do that since we were living in temporary quarters so, it was easier for me to pay for camp lunches. He was NOT HAPPY and would complain that the food was "disgusting." Ok- the other kids didn't have a problem with lunch so, I knew this was not going to be easy. Strike 1.
I should also disclose that Matthew is not the typical kid who loves to get down and dirty with the great outdoors. He complained that the counselors would make him sit on the muddy grounds after a major rain fall, he didn't like the fact that there was "duck and goose poop" all over the grass and vocalized his displeasure for having to wade through algae. As a child, Matthew has always been immaculate. The kids in his class would have food all over their faces and clothes but, not Matthew. He was always wiping his mouth with a napkin, would never wipe his hands on his clothes and most of all, you would never find a pile of food by his seat at the table. If he got a stain on his shirt, he had to change into a new shirt. So that gives you a better idea that he's not quite the outdoorsy type. Strike 2.
Strike 3 was getting trapped into the Rutgers Reading program that was crammed down his throat by me. He would attend class every Tuesday afternoon (for the past four weeks) from 3-5:15 with Maggie and Jocelyn. They would walk into the class and sit together in a row. Very cute but you knew that they were not happy little campers. (Excuse the expression)
Then again, maybe it's the fact that Matthew was also in the Kumon Math program with Jocelyn on Saturdays since we arrived six weeks ago. May and I wanted to ensure the children's brains would not turn to mush over the summer. Matthew and Jocelyn would constantly complain about the "evil" work that has been assigned to them for the summer.
Alas, not to worry. We will be leaving for Disney on Sunday morning to see Sandi and Nicholas. I have decided to make it up to him by getting on the spinning rides with him. Though I have horrific motion sickness, I have stocked up on dramamine. I will bring the reading and math work with us to Disney. I may just surprise him by giving him the "week off" from the school work. See, I'm not so bad after all!
Monday, July 16, 2007
I'll Take That With A Schmear

I prepared it at home with loving hands. Watching the toasting process with loving anticipation until it was toasted to perfection, applying the proper amount of butter so it would not be too soggy and giving it the correct consistency and taste. I brought it to my nose like a fine wine, savoring the smell and the texture. I could feel a tear of happiness rolling down my cheek.
Each morsel was chewed until it was pulverized to dust in my mouth and it never took me so long to eat a bagel. It was thoroughly enjoyed. How does it compare to a New York bagel you ask? I tried to manage my expectations. Nothing is as good as a New York bagel. This would qualify as a 3 day old bagel in New York but still, IT'S CHINA. I thought I've seen everything but never thought I would see bagels in China. Truly the world is global. Now, where can I get some lox?
Sunday, July 15, 2007
A Day At The Movies
Today, we roped Gus into going to see "Transformers" with Matthew and I. We had lunch at Johnny Rocket's and then headed to the movie. It was great. Matthew had a great time and I must admit, the movie was pretty good. Definitely a boy movie and it was great that Gus came with us to share the experience.
So, we have another two weeks before we leave and we're going to see Harry Potter and of course, Matthew wants to see the Simpsons movie (silly if you ask me) but, I guess we'll have to get it all in before we return to Shanghai.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Dave and Buster's
For years, May and I would take the kids over there on a weekend and they would run around like lunatics with their chip cards, while May and I would watch them from a safe distance and monitor their spending. Matthew's been asking when he could go with Jocelyn since there isn't anything like it in Shanghai. So, we met May and the kids there tonight for old times sake and the kids were thrilled to be back in action. It's been a year since Matthew, Jocelyn and Joanna have made a guest appearance there.
While we settled on a table where we can watch the kids safely from a distance, Matthew and Jocelyn were itching for their electronic chip cards so they can start playing on the machines. Ok- maybe not itching...more like twitching. When May and I finally handed out the cards and gave them strict instructions that they were to stay together, they were gone before we can even finish our sentence. Joanna chose to stick close by with us and just play the coin machines. She figured why get trampled by the other two kids. Smart move on her part.
After two hours of running loose, Matthew walked away with 1,204 tickets towards a prize. He decided to cash in all his tickets for a Darth Vader dash board figurine while Jocelyn and Joanna settled for two stuffed animals. So, who says it's not nice to be a kid? Your parents support your "gambling" habit and you get the rush that you're looking for.
Ann and Janice
We had a reunion today at Ann's house. Matthew had a great time seeing Ted and Tom (Ann's children) and Janice came by with little Miss Kelly. Janice also brought over Jamaican Patties (something that we all love to eat) and we hung out at the club while the kids were busy kayaking or swimming in the pool. I should mention that Ann's kids have a Nintendo Wii....which Matthew made a point of letting me know. Do you think he wants one???
It was really great to see Ann and Janice and catch up with the news of the past year. I was busy oggling all the purchases that Ann and Janice have made and I got to live vicariously through their shopping excursions. These days, I just get to fantasize about running through Saks, Neiman Marcus or Bergdorf during the sales.
We know that this assignment will continue for another two years but we are anxiously awaiting for my big return to the States so we can run wild in the stores together. So, we're going to mark our calendars and this will give me a chance to save my "pennies" so I can go hog wild when I return. This gives me something to look forward to!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Auntie Momo
Matthew started camp this week with Jocelyn. They're participating in the Rugged Rangers series. A program designed to teach the kids survival skills for the great outdoors. Matthew came home the other day with cuts on the bottom of his foot. I went looking for antiseptic and bandages. Unfortunately, all I could find were Disney Princess or Elmo bandages. Something that I knew he wasn't going to agree to putting on his skin. So, I went to the pharmacy to stock up on first aid items. Auntie Momo asked me why I was buying all the supplies when there was plenty of first aid items in the house. I told her I couldn't find any bandages that were not decorated with girlie icons in her medicine cabinet.
The conversation went something like this:
Auntie Momo: "You need to look in the dishwasher, that's where all the extra supplies are stored."
Me: "Why would you store things in the dishwasher? Don't you use your dishwasher?"
Auntie Momo: "No, I never use the dishwasher. It's easier and faster for me to wash it by hand."
Me: "Silly me, I have thought to look under the bathroom sink. The thought has never occurred to me to look in a dishwasher."
While this conversation was going on, May was laughing and said that "it's typical for my mother to hide things in places where you would never expect to find it." It's true. I've witnessed the ongoing battles between May and her mother over things that have been "put away" and never to be seen again...since only Auntie Momo knows the path to where things are hidden.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Happy Days
Tony left this morning to return to Shanghai. We found out that he had been upgraded to First Class to Chicago and Business Class to Shanghai. Happy Days! Since our return, he had been moaning and groaning about the trip from Shanghai via economy class.
Since I had to listen to this from Shanghai to Chicago and Chicago back to New York, as soon as we arrived, I put him on the waiting list for an upgrade for the return trip back. Nevertheless, we were never notified that he was upgraded. He was not looking forward to the long flight back to Shanghai via economy.
Lo and behold, MY PRAYERS were answered. He was upgraded and he was very happy. Who said that divine intervention doesn't exist?
Since I had to listen to this from Shanghai to Chicago and Chicago back to New York, as soon as we arrived, I put him on the waiting list for an upgrade for the return trip back. Nevertheless, we were never notified that he was upgraded. He was not looking forward to the long flight back to Shanghai via economy.
Lo and behold, MY PRAYERS were answered. He was upgraded and he was very happy. Who said that divine intervention doesn't exist?
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Fourth of July
Though this was a happy day to celebrate, it was a sad day as well since it marks the final reunion of the guys. Tallini couldn't be there because of a previous famiy commitment. So, Tony has plans to visit Hong Kong/Shanghai in November and Gus plans to tag along. We're planning a reunion in Italy for next summer. We think it would be great to go see Italy next summer and the guys will meet us there and May will be there with the kids as well. Italy will never be the same once we leave!
Tony's leaving tomorrow and we're going to have to head to the airport early for security check. He's not happy that he's leaving to return to an empty home. He asked that Matthew and I return home earlier than scheduled. Matthew and I will be leaving a month later and we realize our time here is running short. We still have so much to do and many people to see. We have a trip to Disney scheduled and Matthew's really looking forward to that. He's already telling me what rides he's going to go on. Unfortunately for me, that means I'll have to take the dramamine in double doses since there's no one else to ride with him. Unless of course, someone volunteers to join us. Anyone interested?