Afterwards, we had the class party. Matthew was wrapped up in toilet paper by his fellow classmates and looked like a mummy. The class moms and I put out the cupcakes on the table and passed out the butter cookies and in less than 5 minutes- it was all gone. Literally. I did see one sprinkle rolling off the table but I think a kid was going to dive for it to stop it from landing on the floor. Then again, if it did land on the ground, the 5 second rule would apply and it would have gone in his mouth.
I left 18 kids in class with Mr. Monteith all sugared up. They were leaving for recess so hopefully, the sugar will wear off by the time they return to class for their math and science studies. Ok- now that this is done, I'll have to go pick up some candy for the trick or treaters this weekend. We got a note that there will be approximately 150 children stopping by. That's a far cry from what we got last year at the old apartment....which was none. I know the little bag of 50 M&M's won't be enough. Time to go shopping and stock up on all the candy I can get my hands on before the weekend.