Golden week has just ended and it ended with a bang. We've been hit with torrential downpour of rain due to Typhoon Krosa from Taiwan. We got the call from Management last night to move all the furniture to the corner and keep all doors and windows closed due to the high winds. It has rained so much that the lawn behind the house is like a very wet sponge. The winds have been strong and we've done all that we can do to keep things in place. Matthew was hoping for another typhoon day. Fat chance. The kids just had a week off for the holiday. I seriously doubt that the school will be generous to grant another day.
So, Tony will give Matthew a ride to the bus stop and endure his commute to Pudong complete with flooded roads and I'll have to walk over to the school in a little bit to sell the tickets for the international fair. Tony told me to call a taxi to give me a ride to school rather than get soaked to the bone. I'd rather wait on the corner for Noah's Ark to pass and hitch a ride instead.