It was great to see Gang again and we're excited about our new photos. It'll be ready sometime in the next two weeks and then I'll have to create the holiday cards and have them all posted before the end of November. Hopefully, they will arrive in your mailbox before the end of the year. Then again, judging from last year's disaster....some cards made it before the Christmas holiday and some showed up end of January/beginning of February...or in some cases...not at all.
We'll see how it goes this time. It's always a crap shoot on how the mail system works here. I have a theory and it's not a pretty one but nevertheless, I'll be happy to share it with you over a cup of coffee when I'm back. Don't even get me started on packages. That's another unpleasant story.
In the meantime, check your mailbox middle of December and let me know if you do get the card.....or not.