We headed over to Hu & Hu, a very reputable antique dealer shop and we learned alot about the various antique pieces that are found in shops. We're in the process of looking for a small cabinet to put under the staircase and will bring it back to the States once we're done with this assignment. I have an idea what I'm looking for and would rather buy something that is antique rather than get a reproduction made. I did spot something and took a picture to show Tony. Now, I just have to take Tony to the shop and have him look at it. If all goes well, we'll probably have something in the house by next weekend.
Monday, October 29, 2007
We headed over to Hu & Hu, a very reputable antique dealer shop and we learned alot about the various antique pieces that are found in shops. We're in the process of looking for a small cabinet to put under the staircase and will bring it back to the States once we're done with this assignment. I have an idea what I'm looking for and would rather buy something that is antique rather than get a reproduction made. I did spot something and took a picture to show Tony. Now, I just have to take Tony to the shop and have him look at it. If all goes well, we'll probably have something in the house by next weekend.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Family Photo
It was great to see Gang again and we're excited about our new photos. It'll be ready sometime in the next two weeks and then I'll have to create the holiday cards and have them all posted before the end of November. Hopefully, they will arrive in your mailbox before the end of the year. Then again, judging from last year's disaster....some cards made it before the Christmas holiday and some showed up end of January/beginning of February...or in some cases...not at all.
We'll see how it goes this time. It's always a crap shoot on how the mail system works here. I have a theory and it's not a pretty one but nevertheless, I'll be happy to share it with you over a cup of coffee when I'm back. Don't even get me started on packages. That's another unpleasant story.
In the meantime, check your mailbox middle of December and let me know if you do get the card.....or not.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Halloween Parade
Afterwards, we had the class party. Matthew was wrapped up in toilet paper by his fellow classmates and looked like a mummy. The class moms and I put out the cupcakes on the table and passed out the butter cookies and in less than 5 minutes- it was all gone. Literally. I did see one sprinkle rolling off the table but I think a kid was going to dive for it to stop it from landing on the floor. Then again, if it did land on the ground, the 5 second rule would apply and it would have gone in his mouth.
I left 18 kids in class with Mr. Monteith all sugared up. They were leaving for recess so hopefully, the sugar will wear off by the time they return to class for their math and science studies. Ok- now that this is done, I'll have to go pick up some candy for the trick or treaters this weekend. We got a note that there will be approximately 150 children stopping by. That's a far cry from what we got last year at the old apartment....which was none. I know the little bag of 50 M&M's won't be enough. Time to go shopping and stock up on all the candy I can get my hands on before the weekend.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Newest Members
Mind you, I've seen them everytime I'm at the market and I swear that they're all on crack. The hamsters are bouncing off the walls (literally) and for those who don't know, hamsters are nocturnal animals. Which means ....they're up at NIGHT. Judging by the activity in the cage, you can just imagine what the noise level will be at night. We've been down this road before with Matthew and have done the funeral thing (John, Jack, Jaws, Richard and Skippy- may they all rest in peace) in the backyard in Stamford. My friends kid that we have a pet cemetery in the back yard.
So, while I was paying for the groceries, I see Tony negotiating with the shopkeeper for a package deal for two hamsters, cage, food, bedding and what not. OH NO. I walk over with my cart of groceries and Matthew is busy picking out Speedy and Junior. Before we know it, Matthew's carrying the cage out of the store with two hamsters bouncing all over the place.
So, the newest members will be around for a bit and we'll just have to figure out who will be the lucky babysitter when we go away for the holidays.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Matthew's Power Pasta
We went food shopping and picked up the ingredients for the bowtie pasta with vegetables and chorizo sausages.
Matthew prepared all the ingredients and then cooked the meal. He did receive some help from us. You didn't seriously think that we would let him have full reign of the kitchen now...did you?
In the end- a wonderful meal was planned and prepared by Matthew. I told Tony that we'll keep this up and maybe within a year- he can be preparing all our meals. Now all I have to do is teach him how to do the laundry and clean the house and I can go into semi-retirement. Just kidding.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Fashion Statement
Today, after the soccer game at school, I was on my way to meet my friend Anne for lunch. A woman was slowly strolling along Jin Feng Road. Slowly sauntering, strutting her stuff and just showing off her pajamas. I was told that the ability to own a set of pajamas is a sign of prestige. Most locals can't afford it and when they have it, they'll show it off. Strange, but hey, I don't plan to walk the streets in my pajamas anytime soon.
Fifth Grade Soccer Day
I'll be gearing up for my baking process soon. Halloween is around the corner and there will be a party at the school. Lots of cupcakes and sugar cookies to go around. Nothing like feeding sugar to the kids and sending them off to class afterwards. I'm sure all the teachers will be thanking me personally next week. I plan to ignore all the calls when they come in. I'll return calls after the sugar rush is done.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Kung Fu
Over the summer, Matthew expressed an interest in studying kung fu again. I set out to find a martial arts academy on this side of town and was ready to sign him up when a notice came under the door. It turned out that our compound was offering classes on Thursday afternoons after school. Yeah! The timing was perfect and he was signed up and ready to go.
Master Bruce is the kung fu master who teaches the kids. Matthew's been attending classes for the past several weeks and is very happy. Though there was a long break, he picked up as if he never left off. Master Bruce has told us that Matthew is one of his best students and is serious about his kung fu style. Over time, Matthew will learn to use weapons and he's really looking forward to that.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Another Typhoon

So, Tony will give Matthew a ride to the bus stop and endure his commute to Pudong complete with flooded roads and I'll have to walk over to the school in a little bit to sell the tickets for the international fair. Tony told me to call a taxi to give me a ride to school rather than get soaked to the bone. I'd rather wait on the corner for Noah's Ark to pass and hitch a ride instead.
Formula One
Trust me, being at the hotel is not the same as being at the race track where you hear the sound of the engines roaring by but, it was nice to be able to watch the race and enjoy brunch at the same time and not get soaking wet. Everyone was anticipating that the McLaren rookie- Lewis Hamilton would win the race. He had 25 laps to go and due to a maneuver that put him into a sand trap, he was retired from the race. It was a tight race between Ferrari's Kimi Raikkonen and McLaren's Fernando Alonso. We were all voicing our opinions on the McLaren spy scandal but in the end, Ferrari won first and third place and Matthew and Tony were ecstatic.
Nice way to end the long week with a day at the races via a big screen television and lots of food and drinks.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Golden Week, Who Cares...We Get A Week Off!

We've spent the week just doing nothing. Getting up later than usual and just putzing around town...or not. We've been exploring areas that we've never had a chance to do and just spendng time together as a family. It's nice to have everyone home. We've been enjoying leisurely breakfasts, Matthew hanging out with his friend Alastar and Tony and I just reading by the pool.
We'll all be back on schedule next week when the break is over. Tony will be back on his travel schedule, Matthew will be back at school and I'll be baking for the school fair and running all over the place.