Monday - April 17th
So Easter comes and goes and now I have no excuses. So I muster up my courage and make the phone call. Okay, I can hear some of you saying, "You did it over the phone?", Yes! I did it over the phone, that was hard enough. The conversation went something like this:
Me: "Mom, I was offered a new job in Shanghai! "
Mom : "Oh No!"
Me: "It's an incredible opportunity."
Mom: "Oh No!"
Me: "I can't begin to tell you how much Matthew, Susan and I will get out of it. Matthew will gain this wonderful life experience and Susan and I will be able to include the living and working in China on our resumes which will leapfrog our careers."
Mom: "Oh No!"
Me: "Okay then, bye Mom."
Mom: "Oh No!" Click.
"That went well", I thought to myself, looking for a broken bottle or some sharp object to cut my wrists with. Well, I figured that I would give it some time and she will come around. Yeah, that's it, time cures everything.
Saturday - April 22nd
My father is supposed to come over to help me install some molding around the garage door. I call him up in the morning and said "Hi Dad, are you still coming over to help me out and oh, and is Mom coming?" (I think my heart actually stopped at this point waiting for the answer). He says, "Yeah, we'll be there at ten." Boy, I was worried about nothing. I knew she'd come around and realize what a great opportunity this is.
Saturday, 10:00 AM
Ding Dong, the doorbell rings. I open the door and whack, she punched me. PUNCHED ME! What the hell. Then I see the tears and the nose blowing and the dramatic performance that was worthy of an academy award....(and the winner for most dramatic entrance goes to .... ). Well, needless to say, all hell broke loose. My mother is crying, Matthew is crying, I started yelling "You punched me!". Susan ran away somewhere and my father starts fixing the molding around the door. What insanity!
To make a long story short, after lots of yelling and crying and hammering, things got better. I showed them pictures of the new apartment and Matthew's school and by the end of the day, we were planning our vacations together. You know, sometime you have to break the wall down to build it up stronger .... or sometimes, things just seem to work out.