Tony sold his motorcycle today and it was very sad. The dealer called and asked that he bring the bike into the shop so it can be inspected. It was a beautiful Spring day and he took a leisurely ride over to the dealer. The dealer took the bike for a test drive, came back and handed the license plates over to Tony. Tony didn't expect the bike to go that same day. It turned out to be his last ride on his bike. Everything seems so surreal right now. I am overwhelmed by what needs to be done. The movers have called to set up an appointment to assess what's going into storage and what's being shipped in the containers. I realize that some essentials will need to get shipped over to our new home in China so Tony would have part of a home up and running until Matthew and I arrive. Problem is, we don't have a signed lease yet and we don't have a residence permit. Which means, we can't send anything until the residence permit is issued and we know where we're living for sure. We're working with the real estate agent to secure the apartment that we all loved and are waiting to hear about our offer. On top of that, we're still trying to figure out what we're doing with our home in Connecticut. Are we going to rent it out or are we going to sell it? A part of me wants to keep the house- it's MY house. We've done some great renovations to it and I want to keep it. The market has softened in the New England area and it is something for me to come home to once this assignment is over. Tony is leaning towards selling the house. He's worried about tenants destroying what we've so painstaking taken care of. There are pros and cons to each. We have a conference call scheduled with the accountants who will be responsible for preparing our tax returns once we move out to China. The only thing we know for sure at this time is Matthew was accepted at the Shanghai American School in Pudong through early admission. He will start school on August 16.