I've been home making repairs, getting the house ready to rent, my back feels like a gorilla is standing on it. It sucks getting old...er.
We spoke to the realtor yesterday about renting the place. It feels weird that someone else will be living in our house. I hope that we get a good tenant. Once we told our Lawyer that we will be renting she said "Okay, I will start the eviction notice ". Thanks for the sense of security Bernice. I'm sure that won't be necessary...... I hope.
I was informed by HR that I would have to give up my Blackberry, computer and American Express Corporate card upon my transfer to the ATC budget, which was on May 1st. The problem was that without these essential items I would not be able to communicate with anyone or even expense our relocation flights to Shanghai. Okay, I hear you saying, "Can't ATC give you those things, after all they are part of Gillette." The answer is yes they can, once I am in China which defeats the purpose because I need to get there first. Luckily, Duracell graciously allowed me to hold onto my corporate card and computer equipment until I return to the US in June to relocate my family to Shanghai.

I must admit I'm feeling nervous about leaving without Susan and Matthew. In fifteen days I'll be on a plane, flying half way around the world away from my family. I've done plenty of traveling in my professional career and it never bothered me. Then again, I have never lived in another country. I'm sure I'll feel better once I get there and settle in.