It dawned on me that college is definitely around the corner and not something that I am ready for. I doubt that I will ever really be ready for that since it forces me to face the fact that he is no longer a baby. He is well on his way to adulthood and there is nothing that I can do to stop it. The braces may be coming off before he starts high school, he'll be getting his drivers permit to learn to drive in a few short years. The voice has definitely changed, he's getting taller slowly. Sometimes when I call home and he answers the phone, it jolts me to hear his voice so deep. He sounds like his father over the phone and it can be a bit confusing. Matthew is on a journey to adulthood that he's anxious to get to quickly, but I am not ready to let him grow up yet. I keep telling him to enjoy this time since you have a lifetime to be an adult. A lifetime of responsibility. Then again, I wanted to grow up quickly and now wished that I can be his age, carefree. Sigh.
Friday, June 17, 2011
It dawned on me that college is definitely around the corner and not something that I am ready for. I doubt that I will ever really be ready for that since it forces me to face the fact that he is no longer a baby. He is well on his way to adulthood and there is nothing that I can do to stop it. The braces may be coming off before he starts high school, he'll be getting his drivers permit to learn to drive in a few short years. The voice has definitely changed, he's getting taller slowly. Sometimes when I call home and he answers the phone, it jolts me to hear his voice so deep. He sounds like his father over the phone and it can be a bit confusing. Matthew is on a journey to adulthood that he's anxious to get to quickly, but I am not ready to let him grow up yet. I keep telling him to enjoy this time since you have a lifetime to be an adult. A lifetime of responsibility. Then again, I wanted to grow up quickly and now wished that I can be his age, carefree. Sigh.