We had a great dinner and wandered over to a crepe place after dinner for dessert. The kids each had crepes and were nicely sugared up before we headed home. Sandi and Nicholas will be here for the week and it will be great to spend some time with them. Matthew has started to work his volunteer "job" for the summer. He's volunteering 25 hours a week at Piper's Hill. That's the childcare center that he started with when he was an infant and I was a member of the Board of Directors. I figured it was better to have him there than frying his brains out playing mindless video games. At least he's giving back to the community. This will continue through the whole summer and maybe he'll work some hours once he start high school. Matthew will be taking Nicholas to work with him on Friday and Sandi and I already have plans for the few hours that we will be without kids. That is a luxury that we don't get too often.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sandi's Visit
We had a great dinner and wandered over to a crepe place after dinner for dessert. The kids each had crepes and were nicely sugared up before we headed home. Sandi and Nicholas will be here for the week and it will be great to spend some time with them. Matthew has started to work his volunteer "job" for the summer. He's volunteering 25 hours a week at Piper's Hill. That's the childcare center that he started with when he was an infant and I was a member of the Board of Directors. I figured it was better to have him there than frying his brains out playing mindless video games. At least he's giving back to the community. This will continue through the whole summer and maybe he'll work some hours once he start high school. Matthew will be taking Nicholas to work with him on Friday and Sandi and I already have plans for the few hours that we will be without kids. That is a luxury that we don't get too often.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Reunion with Amy
We had the precursory dim sum and Amy was quite happy to have Chinese food versus Western food. One solid week of Western food and I figured she was ready to scream. Earlier this week, I did send two containers of homemade congee to hold her over and she was thrilled when Tony showed up at the office with them. She's heading up to Boston for some more meetings before she returns to Shanghai at the end of the week. We hope to have another opportunity to see Amy and the rest of our ATC friends sometime in the future. Who knows, maybe I'll head back and start a cooking school to teach the Chinese how to bake.
Friday, June 17, 2011
It dawned on me that college is definitely around the corner and not something that I am ready for. I doubt that I will ever really be ready for that since it forces me to face the fact that he is no longer a baby. He is well on his way to adulthood and there is nothing that I can do to stop it. The braces may be coming off before he starts high school, he'll be getting his drivers permit to learn to drive in a few short years. The voice has definitely changed, he's getting taller slowly. Sometimes when I call home and he answers the phone, it jolts me to hear his voice so deep. He sounds like his father over the phone and it can be a bit confusing. Matthew is on a journey to adulthood that he's anxious to get to quickly, but I am not ready to let him grow up yet. I keep telling him to enjoy this time since you have a lifetime to be an adult. A lifetime of responsibility. Then again, I wanted to grow up quickly and now wished that I can be his age, carefree. Sigh.