My original flight back to New York was cancelled 30 hours before I was even scheduled to take off. I scored a seat on an earlier flight and was going to be on it regardless. Then a miracle happened, I managed to score a seat on the company plane. That works. I knew I was going to get into the area regardless. Getting home from the little airport in New Jersey was going to be another matter.
I beat the storm and made it home and was happy to see the boys. Conditions made it hard to travel to school or work so I worked from home and school was cancelled. All was well until at 8:15 a.m., when we heard a very loud crack and then an explosion and saw a huge fireball on the main road. A tree fell on the road by the house, took out the transformer and blew out the power in the area. We had a live wire in the middle of the driveway and were essentially trapped in the house. I called the power company to report it and was told "Stay in the house. Do not go out." My initial verbal reaction was "Really, I shouldn't go out there and get a jolt of electricity running through my body? Gee, I really wanted to touch the wire." Seriously? OK- sarcasm needs to stop.
The picture posted is the tree that wreaked havoc for us. We didn't have power, heat or water since we're on well water for twelve hours on a cold day. My sister asked if I had enough food in the house. Are you kidding? Those who know me know about my overflowing pantry. Food is never an issue in the house. Cooking it without an oven or microwave was another matter We managed to do pretty well and then the power came back up. We were pretty happy and were busy hovering over the heat vents to warm up.
The Groundhog didn't see his shadow which means we'll have six weeks less of winter. I think the Groundhog knew what he had to do. We're all pretty tired of this weather and giving us a sliver of hope was in the Groundhog's best interest if you know what I mean.