I had to leave Saturday afternoon to fly to meet my colleagues in Budapest for the legal conference. I said goodbye to my father in law and went over to the airport for my journey to Eastern Europe. I must say, I wasn't too happy with the flight on KLM Airlines. The seats were extremely narrow and there wasn't any legroom. I am not a tall or large person but if it was uncomfortable for me, I can't imagine what it's like for someone who is taller than me. Not to mention, there were screaming babies on the flight and the audio equipment didn't work. Halfway through the movie, they had to shut the system down.
OK- enough whining. I made it into Amsterdam and had a two hour layover. Found Starbucks and was pretty content having my chai latte in the Netherlands. My colleauges and I got on our connecting flight and met up with the balance of our US colleagues in the Budapest airport. We hopped the bus and made our way to the hotel.

We all checked in and threw our stuff into the room and wanted to go see a little bit of Budapest. Well, we kind of forgot that it is Sunday here and lots of things are closed. We wandered around a little bit, found a restaurant that was open and of course, we ate our first meal in Budapest. I had a tasty potato dish with cream and lot of garlic. The kind of chef that makes my heart sing. Afterwards, we managed to find Vaci utca, a main shopping strip and then headed back to the hotel for our first event.
We had dinner with our colleagues from around the world. It was nice to finally meet the faces that went behind the voices on the phone calls and emails that we've been trading back and forth over the past few months. We've got a lot to cover over the next few days. We're going to be spending a lot of quality time together.