Linda is a friend of ours from China. Actually, she is a colleague who worked with Tony in Shanghai and we became friends. She's here in the US for business and has spent the week with Tony at work. We figured by today, she was going to be pretty sick of western food. It was time to bring out the big guns and take her to dim sum. Tony picked her up at her hotel and brought her down to our humble home. After catching up on the gossip in China, we took off to our favorite dim sum joint.

We showed up, took our table and proceeded to order a ton of food. Seriously in about 10 minutes, the table was covered...with filled dishes and empty plates. It doesn't take long for us to grab what we like and inhale it. Chewing is completely optional and Matthew was on the hunt for his favorite buns.
There was a silence at the table as we savored the delicious food and Linda was pretty happy to have a taste of Chinese food today. After dim sum, we waddled out of the place and proceeded to take her to the mall. She had some items to pick up and take back with her to China. This chick basically cleared out the Apple store. I just hope she doesn't get stopped by customs in China.
We dropped Linda back at her hotel and look forward to seeing her again when she comes back to visit.