Matthew has been working on a project for school for almost a month now. This assignment is for a nativity creche. Nothing could be bought. Everything has to be made from scratch. We took a trip to Michaels and purchased all the supplies we needed. Total damage- $100.00. That's right- you read that right. I wished I were kidding. Armed with all the supplies, Matthew painstakingly started to craft the nativity scene with wooden sticks. He molded all the people in the manger with clay- Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, Three Shepards, a cow, a horse, a goat and Gabriel on top of the manger.

I must say, I am quite impressed with his skills. I can't draw stick figures without anyone asking me what it is. He came home from school and prepared a sketch of what he wanted the manger to look like and he was off. In the final days, the office was transformed into an art studio. He would use the lazy Susan to paint his figurines and then mount them onto the board. I delivered him to school this morning with the project and I think his looked the best. Perhaps I am being a bit biased but I may have the next up and coming artist in my house.