Sandi and her family arrived on Tuesday to spend the Christmas holidays with us. Nicholas, my little nephew has been very very excited that he was going to spend Christmas with his cousin, Matthew. Since their arrival, Nicholas' booming voice can be heard all over the house, the State of Connecticut and in New Jersey as well. They arrived and we just experienced snow which we've received over 10 inches of accumulation. He got to see snow and play in it. On Wednesday, they went into New York to spend the day and Nicholas was upset because he thought he was going to miss Christmas. Needless to say, he cried, no, more like wailed because he wanted to get home to Connecticut to spend Christmas with Matthew. Sandi was able to calm him down and I picked them up at the train station. Matthew and Nicholas tried to con their way into staying up as long as possible.
We woke up to two very excited kids who ripped open all the gifts in about 15 minutes. We packed the kids up and headed down to Jersey to spend the day with May and her family. It was great. The conveyer belt of appetitzers, food and dessert too. We ate, drank, spent time together and then once we got our fill, we all rolled out of the house with doggie bags to boot.
Sandi and her family will be with us until New Years Eve and we'll be eating left overs until we ring in the New Year. That's what the holidays are all about.