Wednesday, December 31, 2008
So Long, Farewell
Thursday, December 25, 2008
We woke up to two very excited kids who ripped open all the gifts in about 15 minutes. We packed the kids up and headed down to Jersey to spend the day with May and her family. It was great. The conveyer belt of appetitzers, food and dessert too. We ate, drank, spent time together and then once we got our fill, we all rolled out of the house with doggie bags to boot.
Sandi and her family will be with us until New Years Eve and we'll be eating left overs until we ring in the New Year. That's what the holidays are all about.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Great Fire Wall of China
For several months, the Chinese population has enjoyed access to Voice of America, BBC and other websites normally restricted by the Chinese government. Well, no longer. The Chinese government has now reinstated the firewall that blocks access to this information. The same firewall that would hinder my efforts while I was in China to post to my blog. However, being a persistent person, I would always find ways around it. I wouldn't be able to see my entry when I posted it, but I managed to get it out there. Mind you, I wasn't writing about anything political. It would be the normal day to day stuff that we experienced. I would know my entries were posted when my sister would call and tell me she couldn't believe I wrote it. Yeah, yeah.
Fast forward, just when one thinks progress is being made, the population is reeled back another ten years. Typical of the government. Earlier this year, there were riots that erupted in Tibet. While watching the news, we would experience news forecasts that were blacked out. You'd surf the channels and find that the other channels were just fine and miraculously, the news would come back on at the end of the forecast on Tibet. The news in China was routinely edited but I would get snippets of the information sent to me by my sister. There were some disparity between the Chinese version and the U.S. version. The numbers would always be alarmingly low while the U.S. and other media would broadcast higher numbers of the casualties. Which version did you think I believed?
Fast forward, just when one thinks progress is being made, the population is reeled back another ten years. Typical of the government. Earlier this year, there were riots that erupted in Tibet. While watching the news, we would experience news forecasts that were blacked out. You'd surf the channels and find that the other channels were just fine and miraculously, the news would come back on at the end of the forecast on Tibet. The news in China was routinely edited but I would get snippets of the information sent to me by my sister. There were some disparity between the Chinese version and the U.S. version. The numbers would always be alarmingly low while the U.S. and other media would broadcast higher numbers of the casualties. Which version did you think I believed?
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Holiday Gatherings