Matthew received a birthday card in the mail from Uncle Gus the other day. The mail system in China is incredibly slow and it's no surprise that it takes a while to arrive. Matthew gleefully opened the card and it was a Star Wars themed card and in it, there was a bit of a surprise. The Uncle Gus Sideburn Kit (TM/Patent Pending). It included instructions on how to adhere the sideburns to the face. Matthew was roaring with laughter as he read the instructions. They are as follows: "The Uncle Gus Sideburn Kit (TM) will bring you hours upon hours of fun! Now with real Uncle Gus hair! Instructions:
a) Carefully remove from patented polyethelene duraclear II sheathing
b) Find left and right sideburn (see back)
c) Peel off back liner
d) Apply
Note If glue is not working, use loogie to apply.
Extra Feature: Doubles and transforms into a mustache!"

Needless to say, Matthew immediately peeled off the backing and applied the sideburns. Quickly posing in various stances, he chose to imitate Elvis by saying "Thank you very much". I must say that Uncle Gus has quite an influence on Matthew. Instructions to use a loogie is not appreciated on my end but then again, they are boys. Need I say more?