The vest was ready and came out exactly the way I wanted it. Tony and Matthew whipped up a batch of non-Newtonian fluid, a.k.a cornstarch and water, and were busy packing the pockets with the fluid. For those who don't know, a non-Newtonian fluid is a liquid that can change it's viscosity when a force is applied. His idea was to use this fluid to absorb the energy when a bully punches you, hurting his hand but not you. Silly you say? Sheer thickening fluids of this sort are being researched for bullet resistant body armor, useful for their ability to absorb the energy of a high velocity projectile impact but remain soft and flexible while worn, ha. The electronic whoopee cushion, used to aid in the escape, was a real hit with kids and adults alike.
The invention convention was a success. Matthew set up his little stand and was busy advertising his vest. The response was good. Many people liked the idea. Of course, without actually putting the prototype through production, Matthew thought he could sell his vest for a mere $29.99. Sounds like a Ron Popeil informercial.
So, if Matthew actually gets this idea off the ground, he may be on his way to becoming a millionaire. At least, I hope so!