We were the last ones in the restaurant. That's pretty depressing. The staff were "discreetly" clearing the dishes and milling around us. I think it was their way of saying..."OK- you're done. Now LEAVE." We took the hint and wandered back to the Disneyland Hotel so we can hang out and chat while waiting for Tony and Matthew to return. Dior and Susan explored the hotel grounds and of course, Matthew and Tony saunter into the hotel at almost 5PM when we had to leave for the airport.
It's a sad day for us because it brought the reality of leaving a civilized place such as Hong Kong that much closer. We had a week of proper lining up. Seriously- there was no pushing, no shoving, no jumping the lines. We didn't have to listen to anyone drawing deep into their bowels to hock a loogie and most of all, CLEAN bathrooms. It is sheer joy to be able to go into a restroom and not worry about how clean it is. Tony loved the fact that people can speak and understand English in Hong Kong. Matthew even practiced some of his Cantonese. Sometimes, he would get confused and answer in Mandarin. That's OK. I loved the fact that he tried.
So, after a week of living in civilization, we now face the reality of returning to the bowels of Shanghai. We'll be back into the swing of things like pushing, shoving, screaming, public lewdness and most of all, facing very dirty bathrooms. How depressing.