Well, against my better judgement, I am turning 45 this Sunday. One of my best friends, who is also named Anthony, was born on the same day and year as me. I know, kind of freaky. So every year we would make plans to go to Beefsteak Charlie's a local food chain that would give you a free meal on your birthday. Yeah, that means we'd eat for FREE, the both of us. We really wanted to see their faces when we told them we were both celebrating our birthdays and we weren't paying a dime for it. Oddly enough, we never did it. Every year we would make plans but would not carry it out. Years passed and Beef Steak Charlie's eventually went out of business, probably from all the free birthday meals. Well now I am middle aged, living half way around the world away from my good friends and so I say to Ant, I'll meet you at Beefsteak Charlie's and "Happy Birthday".