Tony decided to take the next two days off to spend some time with us and just work from home. After looking into the refrigerator and pantry, I decided it would be a good idea to take him to the grocery store with me since there wasn't any FOOD in the house. Since Tony has returned to Shanghai, he hasn't gone food shopping. Let's just say- the boy just became creative with any canned goods he found or...in most cases, he just didn't eat dinner. I wished I could exercise the will power not to eat dinner.
We got home and unpacked the groceries when I got the call from Japan Airlines. The luggage had been located and will be delivered tonight. YEAH!

The luggage will now sit out for the next day just to air out before I put it away. Who knows, maybe it will stay out and I'll just take another side trip somewhere. As long as it's not through Chicago!