Friday, August 24, 2007

The Alto Saxophone Player

Matthew came home today with his instrument from school. He's learning to play the Alto Sax and he's quite enthusiastic about it. He's been practicing the notes he's learned today....over and over again. He can't wait for his Dad to come home so he can show him how to assemble the saxophone and play the notes he's learned. I'm glad that he got the instrument that he wanted. It's mandatory for all children to learn a musical instrument in the fifth grade. The choices were the violin, cello, flute, clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax or the trumpet. Of course, you can't have a whole orchestra playing the it was a matter of lottery. Luckily, Matthew got his first choice.

He's excited and he will be gearing up to perform at the Winter Festival in early December. I'm sure he'll be practicing the same songs...... over and over again until that time comes. Lucky me.