We had a reunion over at Dinah's and there were seven kids running around her place either in the pool or on the trampoline while the adults were busy eating and chatting. My cousin Viola was in Shanghai recently for business but, we didn't get a chance to see each other in Shanghai due to her hectic schedule. It was funny that would see each other back in New York.
It was great to see all the kids and how they've grown. Johnny (Dinah's son) is taller than all of us and he definitely went through a growth spurt while we were gone. AJ (Viola's son) has changed quite a bit as well. Justin has grown his hair out and Matthew has filled out and is now eating lots of things. The girls- Amanda, Ava and Laina have grown up as well and each have gotten more beautiful since last year. This only confirms that we are getting older as we watch the next generation grow before our eyes.