We tried to get back into the swing of things and resume our normal day to day routine. I booked the doctor appointments and we were off and running. It felt as if we never left. My doctor thought it was a mistake that my name showed up on his calendar. Irma, his assistant laughed as well. They didn't think it was possible for me to show up for an appointment. They thought I was going to do it through a teleconference from China. HAH!!
We stopped by to see the house and meet our tenants. Harald is a very nice person and we're very happy that he and his wife Marlene are being very proactive on the upkeep of our home. Strange to find someone living in our home with different furniture but nice that they are responsible tenants.
We have a ton of commitments over the next few weeks before Tony leaves to return to Shanghai. Funny how things just fall into place. It's as if we never left. Tony and I have been driving...something we haven't done since we've left. It's been good. Tony's been busy perusing over car magazines (something that you can't find in English in Shanghai) and trying to figure out what to get when he returns. PUHLEEZ. We have another two years on this assignment. There will be a ton of new cars out before we return. Then again, this is his hobby...something that keeps him busy and I know he will be surfing the net to keep up with the cars.
We're going to see the Tony and Gus tomorrow night for dinner. The eating marathon has begun.