Meanwhile, Murphy's law was playing with Tony. He was desparately trying to return home from his business trip in order to celebrate Matthew's birthday. We ordered in Matthew's favorite, pizza and I made Matthew's favorite chocolate fudge cake. Of course, Tony's flight was delayed and he didn't return home from the airport until 8:30pm. Being a horrible mother, I fed my son chocolate fudge cake at 8:45 pm and immediately sent him off to bed. Who was I kidding? Did I really think he was going to fall asleep? All the sugar from the cupcakes and the chocolate fudge cake will probably have him bouncing off the wall until at least midnight. Next time, I'll try doing it sugar free.
We'll be celebrating again this Saturday night at Matthew's favorite restaurant-Blue Frog. Ina and her family will be there to help us celebrate. Of course, we'll celebrate again this Summer in the US when we return for our vacation with our families. Who said it isn't great to be a kid and get to celebrate your birthday over and over?? It's like the Willie Wonka Never Ending Gobstopper of birthdays!