What a great day!! Matthew finally decided to learn how to ride a bike. We've been trying to get him on a bike for the last couple of years without success. Over the weekend, we went over to a friend's house. Her son, Rene was riding his bike all over the place and Matthew was trying to keep up with him on his scooter without success. I think this was the last straw for him. Uncle Tony bought him this cool bike that has been collecting dust for the past year. Luckily, we had the foresight to bring it with us. It was amazing to me how fired up he was to learn. We went to the local sports store and bought some accessories to "pimp his ride". Helmet on, I gave him the same instructions they told me when I took my motorcycle classes and off he went. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that he was riding on his own in 10 seconds- literally. Boy was he excited!! He told me it felt like flying. Something I totally understand having ridden a motorcycle for the past few years. I am so proud of him. I realize that he didn't win the Nobel Peace Prize, that's next week, but still the same it's an important milestone. I told him that you will never know if you can do something unless you try and if you fall down, you get back up and keep riding. Hopefully, this is a lesson that will carry over into everything else he does in life.