We started the day with a donut party for the kids at the elementary school. Matthew walked around the school to visit his teachers from the previous years to say good bye. In the afternoon, we had an ice cream party for the after school program at Piper's Hill. It was very nice that all the kids in the after school program made a little speech for Matthew and gave him a shirt with their names on it. He also received cards made by the children and will be cherished for a very long time. Matthew and I got pretty teary

Tony was on his way back to the US to help us with the balance of the move that will start on Monday, June 26th. Due to weather conditions, there were significant delays from Shanghai to Chicago and Chicago to New York and he didn't arrive home until 2 AM on Saturday morning.
In the meantime, we have lots to do around the house before the movers arrive on Monday and will also be busy with the marathon of lunch and dinner appointments with many people who want to see us before we leave. We'll be moving out of the house at the end of the week and will be camping out in a hotel for the balance of the time. Lots to do before we leave and I hope that we will get it all done.