During our adventure here in China, we've come across some interesting translations of Chinese signs into English. On our recent trip to Hangzhou we found the mother load of funny signs. Everything from spelling errors to down right mistakes. The odd thing is that these signs were all found in public places and have been there for years. You would figure that someone would have fixed them but obviously not. Please don't get me wrong, I really, really, really appreciate that there are English signs in China. I would be in serious trouble without them but I just can't help laughing when I come across some of these gems. Therefore, without further delay I give you silly signs, enjoy.

[SICK ATHEROSCLEROSIS] In Chinese the sign reads,"Mixed grain porridge or congee". The English translation was "sick atherosclerosis". This beauty was found at a breakfast buffet. The definition of atherosclerosis is "hardening of the veins". Are they trying to tell us that our veins will harden if we eat it? How did they screw this one up? ... I think we'll pass.

[NO WALKING ON WATER] The Chinese characters read "Please deal with this water. For safety, please do not enter the water." The sign shows a guy walking on water. Now, this sign can only apply to one person that I know of. I have not been able to walk on water for at least .... forever!

[BE CAREFUL ABOUT A MEETING] The Chinese characters read "Careful, bump head."Matthew spotted this gem in a cavern in Tonglu. Being careful for a meeting is always good advice but I don't see how it applies here. Maybe a sign with someone bumping his head would have been more effective.

[DO NOT CLAMBER PLEASE CRAWLING] Chinese characters are "Please don't climb, crawl". Huh? Boy, that one sucks in both languages.

[PAY ATTENTION TO YOU] Chinese characters are '"Warning, watch your footing below." Ok- not quite pay attention to you. No wonder people would stop in front of the sign and hug themselves.

[THE PRECIPICE STOPS BY] The Chinese characters are "Pending Cliff, stop walking". Maybe we can have coffee and donuts the next time the precipice stops by.

[LONELY LANE, DON'T BE CROWD PLEASE] Chinese characters are "Single Person Narrow Lane, Don't Crowd". Matthew thought we should keep the lane company since it was so lonely. Everybody's a comedian.

[DRAW NEAR DANGER]Chinese characters are " Deadly danger nearby". Are they asking us to get closer to the danger?

[HOILET] The Chinese translation is "Toilet", and I use the term lightly here. What the hell is a "hoilet"? Many toilets in China are literally holes in the ground so technically this one may make sense, "hole toilet" or Hoilet.
This is just a sample of some of the hilarious signs that we've found in China. Believe me, there are many, many, many, many more. We're starting to compile a photo montage of bizzare sightings around China. Stay tuned for that posting.