Summer is officially over. Matthew was supposed to start high school on Wednesday, August 31 but experienced a delay due to Hurricane Irene. Most of the town lost power and the schools had to wait to get the power restored. He got an extra two days and believe me, he took advantage of it by sleeping in as much as he could. Today was the official start for him. He went in for high school orientation. The bus came and whisked him away. I have spent the entire summer with him. I was chanting "Free at last!! Free at last!!" then headed to the station to hop the train to NYC. It was time for me to make my appearance at the office after an extended absence during the summer.
He met some old friends from pre-school and will be making new friends. He's getting the hang of the school schedule and familiarizing himself with the layout of the building. He's on to the next phase of his life. College will be here before we know it. He's even talking about which car he wants when he starts to drive. Little does he know, I'll be rigging the car with ejection seats. If anyone is in that car beside Tony and I, out you go. Oh, and of course, there will be a closed circuit camera and it won't be able to go more than 25 mph. If I can just figure out a way to embed a chip into his head so I will know his whereabouts.