Tony's been working on the final touches for the past few nights. The bathroom vanity was moved back after he installed our medicine cabinets. We cleaned up the master bedroom and have officially moved back in. The drawback, we weren't able to take showers in our newly renovated bath since the tiles haven't been sealed. Our friends will be arriving tomorrow so he had an incentive to finish up everything by this evening. I heard a sigh of relief when he put the last coat of sealant on the marble.

The bathroom is officially done. It is almost unreal that we've come this far and it is now actually complete. He has some minor items to finish up like light plates and touching up the paint. The fact that we can now take showers or jacuzzi baths is a real accomplishment. Tony described construction to a man is like labor to a woman. You go through all that work, you feel the pain and you just don't want to do it. You know there is an end but you just don't know when it will be. After the labor and the pain is long forgotten, you want to do it all over again. If he wants to do it again, I have a few more projects that need to be done. I'll let him have a recovery period and have him start all over again. Stay tuned.