Ina's gone, time to get to work. The dumpster was delivered yesterday and we spent the day moving things around. Tony and I have moved out of the master bedroom and have taken residence in the guest room on the other side of the house. Amazing how much stuff can be stored in the bathroom cabinets.
We roped our friend Al into coming over to help us move the bathroom vanity and he stays to help with the removal of the debris. Tony starts to demolish the marble on the floor and the walls and starts to fill the tub with all the debris. May and the kids come by to see the demolition in progress and they get roped into helping out as well. I love child labor. Nothing like making the little kiddies work for their keep. You walk into this house during a demolition, you will be fed but you also have to work for your meal.

Several hours later, this is what the bathroom looked like. Completely stripped of the original marble, walls and cabinetry. I thought Tony was going to start crying. He has truly hit the point of no return. He can't leave it this way, he has got to go on. When we removed the bathtub, we found the flooring underneath to be completely rotted. How the original tub never fell through is an actual miracle. The flooring had completely disintegrated and it was only a matter of time before the tub would have actually fallen through. It was actually a godsend that we decided to embark on this project. OK- let me rephrase that. It was a godsend that I wanted this project done, he's not too thrilled with the damage that we actually found. He's going to spend the next couple of days removing the old floor and prep the new floor with cement hardiback board. Not to mention, he'll have to put up all new mold and mildew resistant sheetrock.
We'll keep you posted on the progress of the bathroom as we move along. Oh yeah, that is the royal we.....since he's the one that is doing all the work and I'm the one who is the job foreman.