It's official. He is now a teenager. Complete with the eye-rolling attitude and infinite wisdom that comes with this rite of passage, I can't believe that he is now 13 years old. The voice is starting to change, the tapeworm has awoken and his feet are almost bigger than mine. I think by the end of the Summer, he'll be taller than me. What happened to my little bundle of joy that I brought home from the hospital at barely 5 pounds? He arrived prematurely, spent two weeks in the NICU and barely ate as a child. Tony and I used to worry about him not eating enough. Now, he eats us out of house and home. I don't understand where the food goes and I can't lift him anymore. To do so would probably cause a hernia. Yet, I remember all the moments growing up and wonder where the time has gone.

He entered this world with a companion. My cousin Dinah's son, Justin, was born on the same day. He arrived 12 hours earlier and together they have been celebrating their birthday's together. Today, was no different. Justin hosted a paint ball party and Matthew went along for the fun. It was nice to watch them share this rite of passage together and to know that they will always have one another to share milestones together.