Well, we're about to get dumped on with another ton of snow. What the hell? It's not even officially winter yet and they're projecting 8 to 12 inches. Okay, I hear you, "But it's almost Christmas. Don't you want a white Christmas?" No, and do you know why? Because I'll have to shovel the crap. My driveway is 125 feet long and down hill. Do you know how hard it is to shovel that much snow? Okay, going down is easy but coming back is a whole different story. "Get a snow thrower" you say, got one. "Get a bigger one", it's pretty damn big.

Boy I must be getting old. When I was my sons age I loved the stuff. I would play in the snow all day making forts, having snow ball fights and making snow men until my fingers froze,
notice that shoveling was not one of the things I did as a kid, that duty was left for my father who, by the way,
HATED SNOW. I know I shouldn't complain. Susan helps me shovel and Matthew.... well, he plays video games. I'm hoping that this is the only snow storm we get in the coming months. Hopefully, it's the only snow we get, period! I can dream can't I? In the meantime, I will be out there freezing my butt off while shoveling and salting the driveway.

Now I know why old people move to Florida.
Merry Christmas....