Sandi and her family came up to spend the weekend with us. The last time we were all together was Christmas 2008. The kids had a great time together and it was really nice to watch them interact with each other. We all remember how they used to fight when they were much younger. It was a welcome to see them have a great time together.

They arrived on Thursday night along with the snow. The weather was dreary on Saturday so we decided to spend the day at the Stamford Nature Center. The kids went on a hay ride, hung out at the pumpkin patch and spent the afternoon at the playground. Jeff's parents - Ruby and Wilson came up from New York to spend the day with the kids and we ended the day with a fabulous meal at Matteos.
Sandi and I can't believe how much they have grown and matured. Nicholas slept in the room across the hall from Matthew and we would wake up to find them both hanging out on the coach watching television.

We ended the visit with dim sum at one of our favorite places before they had to leave to return to Florida. The kids were inhaling the food as it was coming off the carts. Two hours at the place and to sum it up, it was a wonderful weekend filled with great meals and laughs. We'll see each other again in December when we have our family reunion at Disney.