I met my friends Suzy, Liza and Evelyn when Matthew was a wee tot attending Chinese school out in Long Island. Yes, Tony and I would schlep our child on a Sunday morning for the 45 minute ride from Connecticut out to Nassau County, Long Island. Technically, this ride would take longer on a normal day, but on a Sunday, the roads are pretty clear. This was a weekly excursion that comprised of our arrival at the school by 8:55 a.m. Since we traveled from the furthest point, we were always the first to arrive at school. This of course, included the mandatory pit stop at Dunkin' Donuts on the way.
Over the years, more kids have been added to the families and low and behold, we have been friends now for almost 10 years. Amazing how this chance meeting has created a wonderful support system for all of us. Since we've been back, Tony will often catch me on the phone with Suzy or Evelyn late at night until the early hours of the morning. No matter where we are, we are always there for one another. We laugh together, eat together and cry together.
Liza's going to leave with the kids to return to Qingdao and Suzy and I will probably have another eating festival planned soon. Then we'll do this again next summer when Liza returns again.