Matthew has to perform 30 hours of community service. I know, you're asking, "What did he do to deserve that"?, driving his bicycle under the influence or maybe a brawl at the local pub. No, my friends, it's all part of going to Catholic school. He needs to complete the community service to prepare for confirmation by the end of eighth grade. I know, it's weird but it's the truth.

Anyway, Matt completed 3 hours of his requirement by volunteering to help with a charity Harley Davidson motorcycle ride for the American Cancer Society today. He spent the morning coloring posters, inflating balloons and registered bikers for the ride. It was a bit surreal to say the least. My kid who is barely a teenager with a bunch of hard core burly bikers.

The bikers that arrived were the ones you typically see portrayed in movies. The ones that are complete with tattoos, head bandanas, chains, denim and leather everywhere. Apparently they are nicer people then you think. Who knows, maybe they are probably doctors and lawyers during the week but come the weekend they're hog riders. While Matt and Sue helped out, I was busy checking out the bikes. I really miss riding my motorcycle but I was not about to spend $30,000 for a new one, a sports car maybe but not a bike. Anyway, he enjoyed it a lot more then I thought he would. He even met some of his classmates there which really made it more enjoyable. So what's next? He still has 27 hours to go. Maybe I'll have him trim toe nails at the local old folks home. Yeah, now that's community service.