Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Screeching Halt

Well, my days as a "tai tai", "woman of leisure", "kept woman" will be coming to a screeching halt.  After months of searching for a job, I am very, very happy to say that I have found one, and it is in town. I will be working at Pitney Bowes. The best part is that I will be working with my former colleague, Mary from International Paper, I will be able to be home in less than 20 minutes and most of all, I can be there for Matthew in case of an emergency.

I will start my new job on Monday the 16th. My days of wearing flip flops, jeans and tee shirts will be limited to weekends only and not on a full time basis as I have been practicing. It's time to get squeezed back into the corporate suits. My suits will go for a ride now instead of sitting in the closet collecting dust. I am happy that I will be gaining some financial independence. Don't get me wrong, Tony has been keeping me in style but it is always nice to be able to contribute to the pot. The sad part is now that I am going back to work, the daily gourmet meals will come to a screeching halt and be limited to weekends only. Maybe that's not such a bad thing.

I am really grateful that in this dire economy, I was able to find a position. I was not happy being a kept woman and most of all, I tip my hat off to my friends who have adapted to the lifestyle of being a stay at home mom. I, for one, can't stay in the house and it was really starting to grate on me. Two years in China was one thing, but being home in the U.S. and not have a job, uh, that doesn't sit well with me.

So, now that I will be earning a paycheck, I look forward to stimulating the economy!